Monday 13 July 2015


How is your place of business?
a. It is highly accessible?
b. Accessibility is limited?
c. It is not accessible?
2. Are you considering or would you consider any improvements to wheelchair accessibility?
a. Yes
b. Not right now.
3. If you answered "Yes" to the previous answer, which improvements would you consider?
a. Vehicle access and parking
b. Entrance door automation
c. Ramps/lifts
d. Improve store layout to accommodate wheelchair mobility
4. How would you cover the costs for wheelchair accessibility improvements?
a. I would pay for it without any financial assistance
b. I would apply for any grants or funding to cover all the costs
c. I would want grants or funding to cover all the costs
5. Do you have anything else to say about wheelchair accessibility (suggestions)?
6. Bar/clubs are responsible to stop selling a person drinks if they're gonna drive home. Why cant businesses be held responsible for people who are in handy capped parking stall without a official handy capped placard.
7. Should the government in forced the accessibility laws more.
8. Only about half of Edmonton bus stop shelter are wheel accessible.
9. Is your washroom accessible for all people who used wheels.
10.Does your Interact cord stretch long enough to accommodate for people who used wheels or and a wheelchair.

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